Subjectivity Pollutes Your Trading Performance


It’s what pollutes your current and future trading performance. 

What does that mean?

If you ever hear statements such as:

These are all statements that a lot of newer traders say. By new, we don’t mean traders who just started their trading journey. In fact, we hear this from traders who have been trading for 2, 3, 4, 5+ years. This type of thinking is what we call “1OT,” or 1st-Order Thinking. These types of conclusions that these traders come to, in hindsight, make sense. But in real time, they are highly subjective.

The problem is that no one knows when to take profits based on what the price is trading at. For example:

Hindsight calling out the things that you did that you shouldn’t have done, is NOT a strategically sound improvement and is hardly actionable in terms of trading improvement, because it is filled with subjectivity. Simply put, it is very 1OT.

Instead, achieve real, applicable solutions through objectivity by thinking outside of the box. Think about how you can really stop yourself from thinking and acting the way that you currently do, in order to avoid hand-wavy, vague, hindsight solutions. We call this “2OT,” or 2nd-Order ThinkingFor example:

In the markets, every single moment in time is absolutely different from any prior moment, which means that the right thing to do always varies from one moment to the next. You will never know what the right thing to do is, except in hindsight. So instead of beating yourself up about what you should’ve done, think creatively, outside of the box, and really think about actionable solutions, solutions you can implement, to avoid that type of mistake and hindsight feeling of regret - doing so will greatly improve your trading, your mentality, and put you in the 1% bucket of advanced traders that the average retail trader does not know about. 

At Options Brewers, these are concepts that we are all very familiar with already. Our trick to addressing all of the above problems, with outside of the box thinking, is simply using spreads. And we don’t just blindly trade any spread. It takes years of knowledge to know what we know - the right times to put on specific spreads, the right structure, the most optimal adjustments to make, etc. These are factors that our community of advanced, 2OT traders know about, that many others don’t, because they are stuck in a loop trying to find the silver bullet to trading. 

If you’d like to be part of our exclusive community, who think about trading in a completely different fashion than what many are used to or have been told, you know where to find us. We’ll see you on the other side.